Systematics Association

The Systematics Association is a charitable organisation based in the UK founded in 1937 for the promotion of the study of systematics and taxonomy. It publishes research, organises conferences, and provides competitive research funds for systematics research.


The society arose from informal meetings held between Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew & John Innes Horticultural Institute staff, leading to the formation of a joint zoological and botanical "Committee on Systematics in Relation to General Biology" on May 3, 1937.
The council then changed the name of the organisation to its present form. The original founding council included: Julian Huxley, Hampton Wildman Parker, and J. S. L. Gilmour.


It publishes book volumes on a variety of related topics in the Systematics Association Special Volume Series and a newsletter for members called The Systematist. An annual meeting especially for young researchers is usually held in the UK under its auspices as The Young Systematists' Forum.


Membership of the society is open to all by subscription. The Association's affairs are managed by a Council consisting of officers and members elected at annual general meetings. The officers are a President, a Secretary, a Meetings Secretary, a Grants & Awards Secretary, a Membership Secretary, a Treasurer, the Editor in Chief, a Newsletter Editor, and a Webmaster.