TART Collective

The tART Collective was an intersectional feminist and anti-racist art collective in New York City. Founded in 2004 and running until 2020, the group was the longest-running feminist art collective in the city.
In 2005, tART organized the first exhibition of the group's artists' work titled "Fed Up With Being Sweet" in a Bowery loft space. In 2016, tART completed a collaboration with Smoke School of Art in Atlanta, GA, at WonderRoot, "A Bad Question", an exhibition and forum on race and feminism. In a Burnaway review, Catherine Rush wrote: “'A Bad Question' prioritizes conversations about race and gender in artworks that reference broken and unexamined dominant social systems, their disastrous effects on individual and communal psyches, and the existence and evolution of different voices and modes of being...Not all artists included in this exhibition necessarily consider their work “feminist,” yet the shared goal of tART and SSA to provide support for women artists is an unequivocally feminist objective."
tART exhibited in NYC, Atlanta, and Prague and combined exhibitions with both actions and public programming. tART artists presented on female artist collectives and feminism at Open Engagement, organized a reading and discussion of the Immigrant Manifesto and collaborated with Create Collective at the Center for Anti-Violence Education on a multi-arts workshop in response to a homophobic rise in street harassment in Brooklyn's Park Slope


Artists who have contributed to the collective throughout the years are Damali Abrams, Liz Ainslie, Keliy Anderson-Staley, Jill Auckenthaler, Julia Whitney Barnes, Suzanne Bennett, Suzanne Broughel, Monica Carrier, Sophia Chai, Sydney Chastain-Chapman, Laurie Close, Aisha Cousins, Melissa Cowper-Smith, Ann deVere, Maria Dumlao, Purdy Eaton], Laura Fayer], MaDora Frey, Georgia Elrod, Tara Giannini, Rachael Gorchov, Clarity Haynes, Jodie Vincenta Jacobson, Anna Lise Jensen, Paddy Johnson, Elsie Kagan, Elaine Kaufmann, Katherine Keltner, Katy Krantz, Emily Noelle Lambert, Katerina Lanfranco, Rebecca Layton, Lisa Lindgren, Rebecca Loyche, Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, Sandra Mack-Valencia, Suzanne Malitz, Glendalys Medina, Jessica Mein, Ilse Murdock, Danielle Mysliwiec, Anne Polashenski, Asya Reznikov, Carrie Rubinstein, Nikki Schiro, Amy Shapiro, Yasmin Spiro, Melissa Staiger, Rosemary Taylor, Petra Gupta Valentova, Kathleen Vance and Sam Vernon.