TV 101

TV 101 is an American drama television series that aired on CBS from November 29, 1988 until March 25, 1989. The series stars Sam Robards, Brynn Thayer, Leon Russom and Andrew Cassese. Other notable cast members include Stacey Dash, Teri Polo, Alex Désert and Matt LeBlanc. The music for this show was created and produced by Todd Rundgren.


Recently divorced Kevin Keegan is a photojournalist who quits his job and returns to alma mater, Roosevelt High School, to teach journalism. He then teaches his class how to produce a television news program instead of a traditional school newspaper.


The series was scheduled opposite ABC's top 10 hits Who's the Boss? and Roseanne, and NBC's top 20 hit, Matlock. After airing only 13 episodes of the 17 that were produced, TV 101 was canceled due to low ratings and a controversy that erupted when one of the show's characters became pregnant and decided to have an abortion.

