Table of prime factors

The tables contain the prime factorization of the natural numbers from 1 to 1000.
When n is a prime number, the prime factorization is just n itself, written in bold below.
The number 1 is called a unit. It has no prime factors and is neither prime nor composite.
See also: Table of divisors


Many properties of a natural number n can be seen or directly computed from the prime factorization of n.
The divisors of n are all products of some or all prime factors of n.
The number of divisors can be computed by increasing all multiplicities by 1 and then multiplying them.
Divisors and properties related to divisors are shown in table of divisors.

1 to 100

101 to 200

201 to 300

301 to 400

401 to 500

501 to 600

601 to 700

701 to 800

801 to 900

901 to 1000