Tagiades, commonly known as snow flats, is a genus of spread-winged skipper butterflies. It is the type genus of the tribe Tagiadini of the subfamily Pyrginae in the family Hesperiidae. It contains seventeen species; three of which are found in tropical Africa, while fourteen are found from India, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, northeast Australia, to the Pacific Islands. They are primarily diurnal butterflies, and can usually be found in secondary forests at up to above sea level. They can sometimes be encountered in partially cleared or cultivated areas. They are fast flyers, flying at an average height of. They usually rest on the undersides of leaves. When disturbed they will fly away but will usually return to the preferred area, often to the same leaf.
'' resting on the underside of a leaf.Species
- Tagiades calligana Butler,
- Tagiades cohaerens Mabille, 1914
- Tagiades flesus
- Tagiades gana
- Tagiades hybridus Devyatkin, 2001
- Tagiades insularis Mabille, 1876
- Tagiades japetus
- Tagiades lavata Butler,
- Tagiades litigiosa Möschler, 1878
- Tagiades menaka
- Tagiades nestus
- Tagiades parra Fruhstorfer, 1910
- Tagiades samborana Grose-Smith, 1891
- Tagiades toba de Nicéville,
- Tagiades trebellius
- Tagiades ultra Evans, 1932
- Tagiades waterstradti Elwes & Edwards, 1897