Tahit Moos Al-Hallaq

Tahit Moos Al-Hallaq is an Iraqi comedy television show.


The series revolves, in one of Baghdad's lanes, and it is a popular one. All of its people are from the low-class. Its main character, Haji Radhi is a Hairstylist that doesn't know how to read and write, so he's an illiterate. His assistant, A'bousi is a little bit crazy, but he dropped school at fifth grade, so he knows the basics of reading and writing. Most of the people of this lane are illiterates, so they go to an anti-illiteracy school. And they have many adventures together, because they're all friends.


  1. Haji Radhi - Saleem Al-Basri - He is a poor simple man that cuts hair.
  2. A'bousi - Hammoudi Al-Harithti - He is a poor man that works as an assistant to Haji Radhi as he said.
  3. Abu Ghanim - Rasim Al-Jumaily - He is a poor man that works as a smith. He has a son studying in India.
And many others...

The Idea

All of its episodes show how do people from a low-class treat people from middle or high-class. The first episode showed how illiterates treat their teacher. At the second episode, it showed how a poor ill man treats the doctor, and many more episodes that show the relations between low and high-class people.

The Popularity

It became a routine for the Iraqi people to watch it. It became the most famous television show in Iraq, back in the 1960s. The people loved it because of its simple scripts, decors, clothes, locations and ideas, so it showed the people, the Baghdadi community in the 1960s, on its natural way.