Taishi, Hyōgo

Taishi is a town located in Ibo District, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan.
As of March 31, 2020, the town has an estimated population of 34,105. The total area is 22.61 km².
Originally the Ibo District was divided into three towns. In October 2005 the three towns along with the town of Tatsuno merged into a single city bearing the name of Tatsuno. The merger left Taishi as the sole remaining independent town of the Ibo District. Separate plans have been laid out respectively for the merger Taishi and Tatsuno, and the merger of Taishi and Himeji into a single municipal district.
The city is enveloped to the west by the city of Tatsuno, and to the east by the city of Himeji.


Natural Features


Cultural and Historical Landmarks