Takekoma Inari Shrine

The Takekoma Inari Shrine is a Shintō shrine in the city of Iwanuma in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. It is considered one of the three main shrines dedicated to the kami Inari, and claims to be the second-oldest Inari shrine in Japan. It was also referred to as the Takekoma Myojin
Inari's traditional festival day is the first horse day of the second month of the lunisolar calendar; in recent years, the shrine has celebrated the event on a Sunday in February or early March. This festival is estimated to draw a quarter-million attendees.
The shrine is also home to a horsemanship museum.

Enshrined ''kami''

The primary kami of Takekoma Inari Shrine is Ukanomitama, traditionally identified as with Inari, and associated with agriculture, especially rice production. Secondary kami include Uke Mochi, the goddess of food, and Wakumusubi, the god of the five cereals. There are also several smaller subsidiary shrines within the shrine grounds.


The Takekoma Inari Shrine was established in 842 AD, reputedly by Ono no Takamura, the kokushi of Ōshū Province, as a branch of the famous Fushimi Inari Shrine south of Kyoto. The shrine is mentioned by the Heian period poet Nōin during the reign of Emperor Go-Reizei and during the Sengoku period was awarded an estate by local warlord Date Tanemune. It continued to be supported by the Date clan of Sendai Domain through the end of the Edo period. Following the start of State Shinto in the Meiji period, the shrine was ranked as a Prefectural Shrine under the Modern system of ranked Shinto Shrines.

Notable structures

The Honden of the shrine was a structure built by the 5th daimyō of Sendai Domain, Date Yoshimura, but burned down in a fire on November 21, 1990. It was rebuilt in 1994. Currently, the oldest structure in the shrine is the Zuishinmon two-story gate tower. It was built in 1812 and is a registered Important Cultural Property of Iwanuma City.