Taking the Stage
Taking the Stage is a musical reality show set at the School for Creative and Performing Arts in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is produced by Nick Lachey, a SCPA alumnus, for MTV. The first season chronicled the lives of five high school students and their friends as they train for careers in the arts. The 2nd season aired from January to April 2010 on Thursday nights on MTV at 11 pm.
MTV canceled the show in May 2010.
This is the Main Cast for all seasons according to MTV. For a full list of current and former cast members of Taking The Stage, see Seasons- Main Cast Member
Name | Info | Season Featured |
Tyler Nelson | Graduate, alumni of Dance department. | Seasons 1 + 2 |
Mia Carruthers | Graduate, alumni of Instrumental Music department. | Seasons 1 + 2 |
Aaron Breadon | non-graduate, multi-instrumentalist Jazz major. | Seasons 1 + 2 |
Adam Calvert | Graduate, Vocal major. | Season 2 |
Carlton Totten | Graduate, Drama major. | Season 2 |
Ian Watts | Graduate, alumni of Technical Theater department. | Season 2 |
Anna Flinchbaugh | non-graduate, Dance major. | Season 2 |
Holly Angel | Graduate, Drama Major. | Season 2 |
Emily Silber | Graduate, alumni of Dance department. | Season 2 |
Emily Sones | non-graduate, "Drama" major. | Season 2 |
Jasmine White-Killins | Graduate, alumni of Dance department. | Season 1 |
Shaakira Sargent | Graduate, alumni of Dance department. | Season 1 |
Malik Kitchen | Graduate, alumni of Dance and Vocal Music departments. | Season 1 |
For full cast descriptions, synopsis', episode guides, and more see below.- Taking The Stage
- Taking The Stage