The Takumi-kun series is a yaoinovel series written by Shinobu Gotoh. First published in 1992, the series received several manga, film, and stage play adaptations.
Takumi Hayama is a high school student at Shidō Academy, a private elite boarding school in the mountains. Unlike the other students, Takumi is not from a prestigious background and attends the school to escape from a past psychological trauma that leaves him repulsed by people touching him, and as a result, he is perceived as emotionless and unsociable by his classmates. The only person who doesn't see him as such, besides his roommate, is Giichi "Gui" Saki, is a popular, attractive boy who has returned from the United States. As Takumi and Gui begin their second year at the school, one day, Gui surprises Takumi by confessing that he has been in love with him for some time. As Takumi learns more about Gui, he also must learn to overcome his past and rivals who threaten to break up their newfound relationship.
Shinobu Gotoh published the Takumi-kun series from 1992 to 2016, which were published by Kadokawa Shoten under the Kadokawa Ruby Bunko imprint. The novels were all illustrated by Kazumi Ohya.
In 2016, Kadokawa published omnibus editions of all the novels in kanzenban format, which also included new unpublished stories. The 11th volume of the omnibus edition came with a drama CD.
Several manga adaptations have been serialized in the magazine Ciel. The first manga series, which adapted the novelSoshite Harukaze ni Sasayaite, was illustrated by Billy Takahashi and published in August 1998. The manga adaptations were then subsequently illustrated by Kazumi Ohya, the original illustrator for the novels, which were published under the Asuka Comics CL-DX imprint. The first three volumes of Ohya's manga adaptation were licensed for English distribution by Tokyopop under their Blu imprint.
In 2007, Soshite Harukaze ni Sasayaite was adapted into a live-action film, starring Tomo Yanagishita as Takumi and Keisuke Katō as Gui. Following the film's release, four more sequels were produced, with Kyousuke Hamao as Takumi and Daisuke Watanabe as Gui. After the release of the fifth film, ', Hamao and Watanabe announced they were leaving the project and would not be reprising their roles for any future sequels.
Stage play
A stage play adaptation of Soshite Harukaze ni Sasayaite ran in December 2009. The DVD was released on April 16, 2010.
The novel series was successful during its run, becoming one of the most popular yaoi novels. In 2007, the novel series had sold a cumulative total of 4 million copies. By 2016, the novels had sold a cumulative total of 5 million copies.