Talíria Petrone

Talíria Petrone Soares is a Brazilian politician. She has spent her political career representing Rio de Janeiro, having served as federal deputy representative since 2019.

Personal life

Petrone is the daughter of a musician and a teacher. She graduated with a degree in history from the Rio de Janeiro State University and with a master's degree in social work from Fluminense Federal University. Prior to entering politics she worked as a public school teacher.
She identifies as an Afro-Brazilian, socialist, feminist, and supported of LGBT rights. She was a close friend and inspired by late politicians and activists Marielle Franco.

Political career

Petrone was the most voted candidate in the 2016 election for the council of Niterói, receiving 5,121 votes. In the 2018 election Petrone was the eighth most voted candidate in the state of Rio de Janeiro, with 107,317, being elected to the federal chamber of deputies. Petrone said that she received threats from opposition supporters. In June 2019 Brazilian civil police made arrest in a plot to assassinate Petrone, which was being hatched and planned from a dark web platform starting in 2018.