Talapady, D.K.

Talapady is a village near Mangalore city in Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka state in India. Talapady borders the states of Karnataka and Kerala. National Highway 66 passes through Talapady which is south of Mangalore city. The Karnataka-Kerala checkpost border is situated at Talapady. Another village Thalapady,Kasargod which is situated near to Talapady in Manjeswar crossing Kerala border.

General information

The place Talapady is a village in Mangalore city of Dakshina Kannada district and borders Kerala and Karnataka. This place is famous in Beaches, Guest house, Sports, Cultural activities and has the all modern facilities. Postal code of Talapady is 575023. Shri Durga Parameshwari temple located at Devipura in revenue village of Kinnya is near by. There is road to east of Talapady going to Shree Durga temple at Devipur


Talapady is connected by city buses operating from State Bank, frequency being in every 5 minutes. From Mangalore city centre to Talapady its around 14 km, and 8 km from Uppala and 34 km from Kasaragod city. The route numbers of the buses from Mangalore to Talapady are 42 and 43 and Some of the express buses going from Mangalore to Kasaragod do stop at Talapady highway junction. The nearest airport is Mangalore International Airport distance drive of 22 km and the nearest seaport is Mangalore Seaport.