Tales of Mystery
Tales of Mystery was a British supernatural television drama anthology series based on the short stories of Algernon Blackwood. It was broadcast by ITV and ran over three seasons from 1961–1963. Produced by Peter Graham Scott, each episode was 25 minutes long and introduced by John Laurie. None of the 29 episodes broadcast survive in any television archive, however.Episodes
Season 1
- The Terror of the Twins
- The Promise
- The Man Who Was Milligan
- The Tradition
- The Empty Sleeve
- Accessory Before The Fact
- The Woman's Ghost Story
- Decoy
Season 2
- Confession
- Chinese Magic
- Max Hensig
- The Man Who Found Out
- Nephele
- Ancient Sorceries
- Deferred Appointment
- The Pikerstaffe Cast
- The Telephone
- The Call
- Wolves of God
Season 3
- Old Clothes
- The Doll
- Egyptian Sorcery
- The Damned
- The Second Generation
- A Case of Eavesdropping
- Petershin And Mr Snide
- The Lodger
- The Insanity of Jones
- Dream Cottage