Tamiami Formation

The Tamiami Formation is a Late Miocene to Pliocene geologic formation in the southwest Florida peninsula.


Period: Neogene
Epoch: Late Miocene to Pliocene
Faunal stage: Clarendonian through Blancan ~13.06–2.588 mya, calculates to a period of


The Tamiami Formation appears in the counties of Charlotte, Lee, Hendry, Collier and Monroe. It is widespread in Florida and part of the intermediate confining aquifer system. The Tamiami formation overlies the Hawthorn at every locality where the Hawthorn has been penetrated and is overlain unconformably by the Caloosahatchee marl of the Pliocene in Charlotte County.


The Tamiami Formation contains a wide range of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic lithologies and associated faunas. It occurs at or near the land surface in the southern peninsula with numerous named and unnamed members recognized within the Tamiami Formation. Its unevenness indicates that the upper part has been subjected to erosion.


The Tamiami Formation includes:
Phosphate is present in limited quantities throughout the Tamiami in sand and gravel.


Fossils appear in casts and molds, as well as original material.