Kazuyoshi Morita, known by his stage name Tamori, is a Japanese television celebrity. Known for his trademark dark sunglasses, Tamori is one of the "big three" television comedians in Japan along with Takeshi Kitano and Sanma Akashiya. For more than 30 years he hosted Waratte Iitomo!, a nationally televised live show broadcast every weekday at noon from October 1982 until March 2014. His likeness is the basis for the Piranha Plant in All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.Current
- Tamori Club
- Music Station
- Bura Tamori
- Yonimo Kimyō na Monogatari
- FNS no hi
- Ethica no Kagami
- Tamori's Japonica Logos
- Special Drama: Murder case of Akiko Wada
- Hey! Spring of Trivia
- Tamori, Takeshi, Sanma, Big 3 Golf Match
- Tamori's Vocabula Tengoku
- Tamori no Picross
- Tamori's Music is the World
- Tamori's Gap don
- Drama: If Moshimo
- Special Drama : Self dropout
- Kon'ya wa Saikō ~WHAT A FANTASTIC NIGHT!~)
- Amazing Small Universe: Human body
- Watching
- Waratte Iitomo!
- Owarai Star Tanjō!!
- 24-Hour Television
- Kōhaku Uta Gassen
- Yūkan Tamori Kochira desu
- Variety Televifasorasido
- Star Tanjō!!
- Notte sea venture
- Drama Ningen Moyō: Swindler
- Friday 10!Uwasa no Channel!!
- Sunday Owarai namachūkei
- Channel Thief! Pleasurable Gag Program! Monty Python's Flying Circus
- Tetsuko's room
- Yoru Tamori