Tanga (film)

Tanga is a 1987 Brazilian comedy film directed by the comic artist Henfil and written by him and Joffre Rodrigues.


The setting is Tanga, a small miserable island with an illiteracy rate of 99%. The country is headed by Herr Walkyria Von Mariemblau. Each day, a copy of The New York Times is delivered to the dictator, the only such copy available on the island. After he reads each day's newspaper, he incinerates it to prevent it from falling into the hands of communist guerrillas, who covet the newspaper, sharing his belief that "knowledge is power."


The cast also includes
Chico Anysio,
Ricardo Blat,
Zózimo Bulbul,
Haroldo Costa,
Daniel Filho,
Ken Kaneko,
Procópio Mariano,
Hélio Pellegrino,
Alan Riding,
Joffre Rodrigues, and
Fausto Wolff.
