Tarka (flute)

The tarka is an indigenous flute of the Andes. Usually made of wood, it has 6 finger holes, fipple on mouth end and free hole on distant end.
The tarka is a blockflute, like a recorder, but is comparatively shorter and quite angular in shape, requires greater breath, and has a darker, more penetrating sound.
The tarka has three variants: big, medium and small. Usually all three kinds of tarka are used together in a big ensemble, all playing the same melody on three voices at fixed intervals and accompanied by percussion instruments. This traditional genre is called tarqueada.
The tarka is a unique flute of the Andes made by artisans from the western region of Bolivia and Peru Sierra region. Artisans create a delightful sounding instrument which is also a beautifully intricate piece of art rich in detail and color. Versions are also marketed from Bolivia and other South American regions.
The flute is made of natural wood and features a whistle-type mouthpiece with a small air hole. The tarka sound and scale are different from any other Andean flute. It sounds very primitive, soft and mellow with a rasp in the low range.
Artisans still build this instrument that their ancestors used in tribal ceremonies to mimic bird sounds.