Tate shiho gatame

Tate-Shiho-Gatame is one of the seven mat holds, Osaekomi-waza, of Kodokan Judo. In grappling terms, it is categorized as a mounted position.

Technique description

from http://judoinfo.com/techdrw.htm
Exemplar Videos:
from http://www.judoinfo.com/video6.htm
Known as the full mount in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and other grappling arts. You sit astride your opponent knees up high under armpits to avoid being bucked or alternatively lying on top of your opponent grapevining their legs with your own whilst your arms act as stabilisers and your chest smothering their airways. When the opponent weakens from exhaustion/asphyxiation one should then consider the following options.
The high armpit position allows transition to armbars the other to various choke holds.

Technique history

Included systems



Upa is described as a technique onto itself in the book Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Theory and Technique, and demonstrated in the video 'Gracie_Jiu-Jitsu_Basics_Vol.1.
It is also part of the movement described as the cross lock defense method in the book
The Canon of Judo''.

Elbow escape

"The elbow escape from the mounted position" is described in the book Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Theory and Technique,
and demonstrated in the video Gracie_Jiu-Jitsu_Basics_Vol.1.


Similar techniques, variants, and aliases


The Canon of Judo lists a variation as a separate technique, where tori secures one of uke's arms instead of uke's neck, as demonstrated in the above animation, while holding onto the belt.


English aliases: