Tatta Pani

Tatta Pani is a village in Sudhnoti District, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. It is from Rawalakot, from Kotli and from Hajira. It is located on the bank of Poonch river at the altitude of.
This village is famous for its springs of hot water contains sulphur. A tourist lodge of AJK Tourism & Archaeology Department has located here for tourists stay.
‘Tatta-pani’ meaning hot water, has various hot sulphur springs located along the banks of the Sutlej River. Covering an area of 1square km, these sulphur springs are believed to have medicinal value. The sulphurous spring water is said to have curative powers that provide relief from ailments like joint pain, fatigue and skin diseases.
People who come to visit Baji Alef Din Sb also visit Tatta Pani.