Tawny-tufted toucanet

The tawny-tufted toucanet is a species of bird in the family Ramphastidae found in the northwestern Amazon Basin of Venezuela, Brazil, eastern Colombia and western Guyana. It was originally described in the genus Pteroglossus.
The natural habitat of the tawny-tufted toucanet is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests. It is 35 cm long and weighs 148–165 grams
The tawny-tufted toucanet is described as thick, and colorful, mostly dull red with yellowish culmen, large blue patch near base of bill, and irregular pale blue spots on maxilla. The bare skin around eyes is pale blue, and behind eyes yellow. The head, neck, and underparts is glossy black, long conspic. Golden tuft extends from below eyes across cheeks and has lengthened tawny tips; upper parts dark olive green, flank tufts yellow, lower underparts chestnut, under tail coverts red, tail tips chestnut.