Taxonomy of invertebrates (Brusca & Brusca, 2003)

The taxonomy of invertebrates as proposed by Richard C. Brusca and Gary J. Brusca in 2003 is a system of classification with emphasis on the invertebrates, in other words, a way to classify animals, primarily those which have no backbone.



Phylum Porifera
Phylum Placozoa
Phylum Cnidaria
The authors divide the bilaterians in three informal groups:
Several groups traditionally viewed as having a blastocoelomate condition are viewed here as acoelomates.
Some of the coelomates groups have greatly reduced celomic spaces; often the main body cavity is a bloodfilled space called a hemocoel, and is associated with an open circulatory system.
The Brachiopoda, Ectoprocta and Phoronida are viewed as lophophorates.
In a phylogeny, the bilaterians are divided in: