Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund

Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund is a federal super political action committee formed by the Tea Party Patriots in February 2013.
The stated goals of the PAC are to defeat politicians they consider big spenders by contributing to their opponents, to fund ads that expose these politicians' support of "economy-destroying laws and regulations," and to organize volunteers to get out the vote. Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, said in a statement that the new PAC's goal is to "produce a good ground game to compete with the left," and pointed to tea party victories in the 2010 midterms, the defeat of the Democrats' effort to recall Wisconsin governor Scott Walker in 2012, and the election of a Republican conference to the previously all Democratic Washington state senate.

2014 election cycle

Martin said the group already has its eyes on the 2014 U.S. Senate primaries and elections in Iowa, where Democrat Tom Harkin has announced his retirement,; Georgia, where Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss announced his retirement; and South Carolina where Republican incumbent Lindsey Graham plans to run for reelection.

2016 presidential election

In the 2016 Republican presidential primary, the organization endorsed Ted Cruz.

Stand for the Second

In May 2018, the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund helped Will Riley, an 18 year old high school senior from Carlsbad, New Mexico, to organize the Stand for the Second rally. The rally was held in response to the March for our Lives rally, held after the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. Stand for the Second was in support of gun rights and gun ownership.