Team Kaylie

Team Kaylie is a comedy web television series created by Tracy Bitterolf and developed by Pamela Eells O'Connell, directed by Bob Koherr and starring Bryana Salaz, Rosa Blasi, and Alison Fernandez. The plot revolves around Kaylie Konrad, a famous 19-year-old billionaire who receives a community service court order to lead the Wilderness Club at an inner city middle school.
Netflix ordered 20 episodes of the series,
5 episodes were released on September 23, 2019 on Netflix, with other 6 on December 2, 2019. The final 9 episodes were released on February 3, 2020.



Part 1 (2019)

Part 2 (2019)

Part 3 (2020)


Team Kaylie was released on September 23, 2019 on Netflix.