Teape Lectures

The Teape Lectures were established at Cambridge University in 1955. They form the major activity of the Teape Trust, created from an endowment made posthumously by William Marshall Teape. The object of the trust is 'The advancement of education by the provision of lectures on the relationship between Christian and Hindu thought and subject thereto the study of Christian and Hindu religious thought and the promotion of Christian-Hindu relations'.
The lectures are among the most prestigious engagements for Christian-Hindu relations, as evidenced from the list of major speakers who have held the appointments, and from the internationally significant publications that have emerged from many of the lecture series.
The lectures are typically delivered in Cambridge by a speaker from India or in India by a speaker with a Cambridge connection. They reflect a close association between Westcott House, Cambridge and St. Stephen's College, Delhi.
In India :
1955 Charles Raven 'Religion, Science and Technology'

1958 Owen Chadwick 'The Experience of Religion'

1962 Robert Runcie 'Christianity and Culture'

1964 Ninian Smart 'The Upahishads and Christian Theology', pub. as The Yogi and The Devotee

1967 Leonard Schiff 'Secularisation in East and West'

1969 Robert Charles Zaehner 'Sri Aurobindo and Teihard de Chardin', pub. as Evolution in Religion

1972 Stephen Neill 'Tamil Classics and Christianity', pub. as Bhakti, Hindu and Christian

1973 Geoffrey Parrinder 'Mysticism in Hindu and Christian Thought', pub. as Mysticism in the World's Religions

1975 John Hick 'The Hindu Idea of Reincarncation and Christian Eschatology', pub. as part of Death and Eternal Life

1978 JAT Robinson pub. as Truth is Two-Eyed

1979 Judith Brown 'Religious Experience of the Twentieth Century Hindus and Christians', pub. as Men and Gods in a Changing World

1981 Julius Lipner 'The Life and Thought of the Hindu-Catholic Nationalist, Brahamabandhab Upadhyay, pub. as Brahmabandhab Upadhyay: The Life and Thought of a Revolutionary

1983 Brian Hebblethwaite 'The Overcoming of Evil', pub. as part of Evil, Suffering and Religion

1986 Ursula King 'Women and Spirituality, some Hindu, Christian and Secular Reflections', pub. as part of Women and Spirituality, Voices of Protest and Promise

1989 Keith Ward 'Theism European and Indian: Conflict or Convergence'

1990 Dermot Killingley 'Rammohun Roy in Hindu and Christian Tradition'

1992 Daniel O’Connor 'Relations in Religion'

1994 Nicholas Lash 'The Upanishads of the Catholic Church' pub. as part of The Beginning and the End of 'Religion

1996 Roger Hooker 'Narrating Our Nations'

1998 Michael Barnes 'The Dialogue between Theology and Post-Modernity', pub. as
Walking The City - Christian Discipleship in a Pluralist World

2000 Eric Lott 'Religious Faith, Human Identity –Dangerous Dynamics in Global and Indian Life', pub. same title

2002 Martin Forward 'The Divine in Human Form in India', pub. as
The Nature and the Name of Love: Religion for the Contemporary World

2004 Ian Markham 'Dialogue Done Differently'

2006 Douglas Hedley 'The One and the Many'

2009 David Gosling 'Darwin, Science and the Indian Tradition – Commemorating Darwin’s Bicentenary', pub. as

2011 Andrew Wingate 'Encounter between Hindus and Christians in Britain'

2015 Francis X Clooney, SJ, "The Future of Hindu-Christian Studies: Rebuilding the Intellectual-Spiritual Foundations"

In Cambridge:'
1957 Paul David Devanandan 'The Gita and the Gospel'

1963 F Mulayil 'Karma and Salvation'

1966 Raimundo Panikkar 'Five Great Utterances of the Upanishads', pub. as
The Vedic Experience

1968 E Sambaya 'The Upanishads and Christian Thought'

1970 Paul Sudhakar 'The Gita and the New Testament'

1973 Nalini Devadas 'Ananda, the Concept of Bliss in the Upanishads'

1974 S.J. Samarha 'Studies in Hindu-Christian Dialogue'

1976 JDM Stuart 'Swami Abhishitananda, a Study in Christian-Hindu Understanding'

1978 Anima Bose 'Christian Thought and the Gandhian Way'

1980 Samuel Rayan 'A Relentless Quest: Three Upanishad Myths in Relation to Christian Themes'

1982 Aloysius Peiris 'The Buddhist World View and the Christian Kerygma'

1983 Margaret Chatterjee 'The Concept of Spirituality'

1989 Sara Grant, published as
Towards an alternative theology: Confessions of a non-dualist Christian

1995 Jyoti Sahi 'The Art Ashram'

1998 Eric Lott 'Set Free by a Dancing God'

1999 Mark Tully 'The East-West Person'

2001 Christel Devadawson 'Travelling through Britain: India's Road to Post-Colonialism', pub. as part of
Reading India, Writing English''

2003 Roger Gaikwad 'The Interplay of Religion, Politics and Communalism in India'

2005 K P Aleaz 'For a Christian Philosophy from India'

2017 Renish Geevarghese Abraham 'Negotiating Hinduism and Christianity in the History of Kerala'