Tekken Comic

Tekken Comic is a manga series created by Rui Takato based on the eponymous series of fighting games. Created in honor of the 15th anniversary of the Tekken game series and is available with permission from Bandai Namco in the online version of the magazine Ultra Jump. March 19, 2010 published the first printed volume manga.
Story based on the manga storyline in Tekken 6, but with some differences. For example, in the early chapters focuses more on Asuka Kazama and Lili, and Mishima family is mentioned only in the first chapter. In addition, there are elements in the manga such as fan service and comedy scenes.


, the owner of the powerful Japanese corporation Mishima Zaibatsu, declares war on the entire world. Nations that sided with the corporation merged into one independent nation, destroying any opposition. A year later, the Mishima Zaibatsu organization opens "The King of Iron Fist Tournament", declaring that the victor will be guaranteed a great prize. However, the tournament is interrupted by the appearance of Asuka Kazama who attacks Jin and demanded that he must stop his despotic ambitions carried out through Mishima Zaibatsu. Jin then orders guards--led by Eddy Gordo--to remove her from the premises. Little does Asuka know that her actions eventually lead to very unexpected consequences later on...


In contrast to the game series, the characters and the connection between certain characters in the manga changed. For example, Lili is more than silly and whimsical, Leo is her servant rather old Sebastian and Alisa Bosconovich from the beginning manga acting on the orders of Jin Kazama.


The first six chapters manga were published on the official website of the journal , starting from October 19, 2009 and published monthly. March 19, 2010 in Japan, published the first volume of manga, including the first 6 chapters.

Volume list