Telecommunications Tower (Montevideo)

Torre de las Telecomunicaciones ' or Torre Joaquín Torres García ', usually referred as Antel Tower, is a 157 meter tall building with 35 floors located in Montevideo, Uruguay.
It hosts the headquarters of Uruguay's government-owned telecommunications company, ANTEL, and is the tallest skyscraper in the country. Designed by the uruguayan architect Carlos Ott it is situated by the side of the Bay of Montevideo. The tower was completed by American Bridge and other design/built consortium team members in 2002.


With a total area of 19.459 m², the complex consists of the main tower, the Customer Service Building, the Telecommunications Museum and the Auditorium.
There are guided visits all through the week.


When its construction was announced, many politicians complained about its cost.
Problems during its construction turned the original $65 million into $102 million.