Telepathy Shōjo Ran Jiken Note

Telepathy Shōjo Ran Jiken Note is a novel series by Atsuko Asano. A manga adaptation by Toshitsugu Iida is serialized in the shōnen manga magazine Shōnen Sirius. A twenty-six-episode anime adaptation aired in Japan between June 21 and December 20, 2008. It is being produced by TMS Entertainment and was broadcast by NHK.


A bright and energetic young girl, Ran is introduced to her supernatural powers right along with her first year in junior high school. While she is troubled by her powers seeming to instigate ill fortune upon people in contact with her and illuminating their ill intentions in some cases, Ran soon learns to accommodate her supernatural abilities and accept herself as is with the support of her family and peers. Accompanied by Rui, Ran finds herself constantly embroiled in mysterious circumstances and events whose resolution requires that she learn to collaborate with Midori.


Main characters

;Ran Isozaki
;Rui Ayase
;Midori Naha

Secondary characters

;Rin Isozaki
;Reina Isozaki
;Ronpei Isozaki
;Saeko Itō



Telepathy Shōjo Ran is the 2008 anime adaptation of the novel series Telepathy Shōjo Ran Jiken Note. The anime aired on Saturdays between June 21 and December 20, 2008 except for a break on August 9, containing twenty-six episodes. The anime features an opening theme song "Aoi Kakera" by Chara, and an ending theme song "Polaris no Namida" by Onsoku line.