
Álamo Temapache Municipality is a municipality located in the montane central zone in the State of Veracruz, about 90 km from state capital Xalapa. It has a surface of 65.80 km2. It is located at. Manuel Gutiérrez Zamora, was mayor of the town hall of Veracruz and Governor of the Entity 1813-1861.

Geographic limits

The municipality of Temapache is delimited to the north by Tepetzintla, Cerro Azul and Tamiahua to the east by Tuxpam, to the south by Tihuatlán, Castillo de Teayo and Puebla State, to the south-west by Ixhuatlán de Madero. It is watered by several creeks as the Hondo and the Buenavista.


It produces principally maize, beans, orange fruit, watermelon and pumpkins seed.


In Temapache, in September takes place the celebration in honor to Virgen del Carmen, Patron of the town, and in December takes place the celebration in honor to Virgen de Guadalupe.


The weather in Temapache is very cold and wet all year with rains in summer and autumn.