Tequiraca language

Tequiraca, also known as Abishira * and Aiwa and Ixignor, is a language spoken in Peru. In 1925 there were between 50 and 80 speakers in Puerto Elvira on Lake Vacacocha. It is presumed extinct some time in the mid 20th century, though in 2008 two rememberers were found and 160 words and short sentences were recorded.
The little data available show it to not be closely related to other languages, though a distant connection to Canichana was proposed by Kaufman.
*Other spellings are Auishiri, Agouisiri, Avirxiri, Abiquira, Abigira; it has also been called Ixignor and Vacacocha.
Jolkesky also notes that there are lexical similarities with Taushiro, likely as a result of prehistoric contact within the circum-Marañón interaction sphere.



A single apostrophe indicates glottalization of the corresponding consonant
A double apostrophe indicates aspiration


is the verbalizer


Michael & Beier (2012)

Aiwa lexical items listed in Michael & Beier :
Table comparing Aiwa with Waorani, Iquito, and Maijiki from Michael & Beier :

Loukotka (1968)

lists the following basic vocabulary items for Auishiri.