Terrorism in South Africa

Terrorism in South Africa has not been seen as a significant threat to the security of the state since the end of apartheid.
In 1967 the government passed Terrorism Act No 83, defining terrorist activities as acts that "endanger the maintenance of law and order." In 2003, an Anti-Terrorism Bill was passed in which Terrorism was defined as "an unlawful act, committed in or outside the Republic."
Post-1994 incidents
Since South Africa's transition to democracy in 1994, the most serious terrorist threats have emanated from white right-wing nationalist groups and white Christian religious fundamentalist organizations.
Shortly after the 1994 democratic elections, white terrorist organizations started to appear and executed their plans with varying levels of success; some originated from 1980s and early 1990s groups that had unsuccessfully attempted to prevent the country's transformation to democracy.

Cooperation with Senegal

Representatives from the governments of South Africa and Senegal signed an agreement outlining cooperation in the exchange of information on civil aviation, specifically covering responding to aviation terrorism, on 1 February 2007 in Pretoria.