Tes Lake

Tes Lake is a natural tourism attraction in Lebong Regency. It is one of the largest lakes in Indonesia. Lake Tes is the main Hydroelectricity supplier for almost whole of Bengkulu Province. The area of the lake is about 750 Ha. Located at Kutai Donok Village, it is approximately an hours travel from Muara Aman, and can be reached by most public transportation. The Central Hydroelectricity, which is only about 2 km from the lake can be visited.


Area description

Based on the Decree of Forestry Minister No. 385/Kpts-II/1985, December 27, 1985, Lake Tes including in an area width: 3.230 Hectares.

Potential growth of flora

The flora that grows around the area are: Meranti, Dyera costulata, Kayu Gadis, Pulai, Gelam, and other plants which also grow elsewhere in Bengkulu Province.


s, gibbons, several kinds of monkey, snakes, bears, many kinds of domestic birds, forest dogs, many types of domestic fish, and other varieties of creatures may be found in the area.


Nearest village: Karang Anyar, Kutai Donok, Talang Ratu Village and Tes Village
Subdistrict: South Lebong
Regency: Lebong
Province: Bengkulu

Geographical position

Geographically, located between 3'-11- 3'20 S and 102'-18-102'-36 E.


Generally, 600 to 950m above the sea level.

Geology and soil

Based on Geological Map and Map Prop. Land Bengkulu scale 1: 500,000:
Based on climate division Schmidt and Feerguson including the type of climate.


To reach the location from Bengkulu City, you can use most types of vehicles.