
TestComplete is a functional automated testing platform developed by SmartBear Software. TestComplete gives testers the ability to create automated tests for Microsoft Windows, Web, Android, and iOS applications. Tests can be recorded, scripted or manually created with keyword driven operations and used for automated playback and error logging.
TestComplete contains three modules:
Each module contains functionality for creating automated tests on that specified platform.
TestComplete is used for testing many different application types including Web, Windows, Android, iOS, WPF, HTML5, Flash, Flex, Silverlight,.NET, VCL and Java. It automates functional testing and back-end testing like database testing.



TestComplete is used to create and automate many different software test types. Record and playback test creation records a tester performing a manual test and allows it to be played back and maintained over and over again as an automated test. Recorded tests can be modified later by testers to create new tests or enhance existing tests with more use cases.

Main Features