
Teustepe is a municipality in the Boaco department of Nicaragua. It has a population of 26,800 and an extension of 645.73 km². The capital is the town of Teustepe, 94 km. from Managua with a population of 3,500.
Teustepe is sustained mainly by the agropecuary sector, with about 20,000 units of livestock and secondly by agropecuarian activities. There are also some incipient tourism in the Aguas Termales region and a very small scale family-based industry in the urban and rural areas.
The mayor of the municipality of Teustepe is Elizabeth Bermudez Obando from the FSLN


The name Teustepe have its origin in the Chorotega native language. Teote and Tepec, that means Town, Valley or Place of God. The indigenous population established originally in El Tamarindo, NW of the town's actual position.
Due to the constant flood of the Malacatoya River, the population moved between September and December of 1,776 to a place formerly known as Camoapilla, now the town of Teustepe.
Teustepe is of historical importance for its resistance during the war against filibuster William Walker. The Military District of Teustepe was created by the initiative of General Tomás Martínez on April, 1861. It had under its jurisdiction the towns of Boaco, San Lorenzo y San José de los Remates.

On 28 February 1970, Teustepe was declared city by law.

Local festivities

The festivities in honor of Santa Rita de Casia are held between May 18–23. Another important event is in honor of the Virgin of Candelaria on February 2.