
Thagini is a Bengali suspense drama film directed by Tarun Majumdar based on a short story of Subodh Ghosh. This film was released on 13 December 1974 in the banner of Chaya O Chabi Production. Music of the film was scored by Hemanta Mukherjee


Cashier Haripada was ditched by his friend Rajen Mukherjee. He breaks the office locker with his assistant Banku but caught. They need money for the marriage of Haripada's daughter Karabi. After two years they become released from jail and without having any means start looting money. Karabi marries a man with the help of Haripada and Banku then she escapes with all jewelry of her husband. The three make fool the police and go to Kolkata. In Kolkata Karabi meets an innocent youngman Amit who is actually the son of Rajen Mukherjee. Haripada wants to take revenge but his daughter falls in love with Amit.
