
Thalakkulathur is a small village near Kozhikode city on the road to Atholy.


India census, Thalakkulathur had a population of 29388 with 13753 males and 15635 females.


Thalakkulthur is supposed to have got this name from the pond used for ritualistic purposes by the priests of Zamorin dynasty located here.


  1. Vazhani Temple
  2. Thalakkulathoor Temple
  3. Vellikkulangara Temple
  4. Palod Shiva Temple
  5. Itharakkuni Shiva Temple
  6. Mattath Shiva Temple
  7. Purakkattiri Old Juma Masjidh
cherukattu kannikkan
Shri Palora Shiva Temple
Shri Palora Shiva temple is a popular religious destination of Thalakkulathur. It is about two km west of Purakkittiri town. The road to the river takes you to the temple after crossing the newly built highway. There is a small underpass for crossing the highway. The temple is built inside a calm residential zone and has sylvan surroundings. It is east facing and is a little elevated from the road.

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