
Tharid is a traditional Arab dish made from pieces of bread in a vegetable or meat broth.
It is typically consumed in especially the holy month of Ramadan and is quite popular in Iraq and Arabia.


The dish belongs to Arabian cultures. The dish is notable in that it was mentioned in a number of hadith attributed to the Prophet Muhammad, in which he said that tharid was the best among all dishes, and that it was superior to other dishes in the way that Aisha was superior to other women.


Tharid is not only widespread in the Arabian Peninsula, but also in North Africa, where it is known as trid, and even in Xinjiang, where it is known as terit. Multiple variations of the recipe were brought to Spain by the Moors. The Moroccan trid is created by layering cooked meat between paper thin layers of dough. In Syria, a similar dish named Fatteh is made by a mix of roasted and minced Flatbread with yogurt and cooked meat.


Dipping the bread into the broth and eating it with the meat is the simplest method of eating tharid. Another variation involves stacking the bread and the meat in several layers.