TheTVDB is a community driven database of television shows. All content and images on the site have been contributed by the site's users; the site uses moderated editing to maintain its own standards. The database schema and website are open source under the GNU General Public License.


The stated aim to be the most complete and accurate source of information on TV series from many languages and countries. It provides a repository of series, season and episode images that can be used in various types of Home theater PC software to make the visual interface experience more appealing.


The site has a full JSON API that allows other software and websites to use this information. The API is currently being used by the myTV add-in for Windows Media Center, Jellyfin, Zappiti, Kodi ; Plex; the meeTVshows and TVNight plugins for Meedio ; the MP-TVSeries plugin for MediaPortal, Numote, and more.
The TV oriented websites TV Time and use TheTVDB's database as a source for all the TV shows and episode descriptions in it.