The 100 Greatest Slovak Albums of All Time

The 100 Greatest Slovak Albums of All Time is a list of the best album releases issued by Slovak recording artists. As the first such list presented in Slovakia, it was published by Nový čas daily on 22 September 2007.
The list is entirely composed of Slovak, or else of formerly Czechoslovak artists, featuring all albums published in the country of origin from the 1960s onwards. Some of nominated full-length records could have been performed also in a different language. Ranking itself was based on votes received from twenty-five selected native-born musicians, critics and/or industry figures. Each of them voted ten most significant Slovak LPs from the past four decades in the country.
While the winning album became Zvoňte, zvonky by Prúdy band, the most-represented musical act on the list is female vocalist Marika Gombitová, having six out of her nine studio albums in total present. The final list also included two original motion picture soundtracks by various artists such as Neberte nám princeznú at number No. 27 and Fontána pre Zuzanu ranked at No. 90, as well as one live recording Live by Collegium Musicum at number No. 89.

Members of the Jury


Artists with the most albums

Top 10 – Overall

Top 10 – Females

Top 10 – Males