The Absentee (1989 film)
The Absentee is a 1989 Argentine film directed and written by Rafael Filipelli. The film starred Verónica Castro, Daniel Greco and Ana María MazzaPlot
Raúl Salas is the general secretary of a major union in Córdoba, Argentina.Cast
- Ricardo Bertone
- Verónica Castro Julia
- Alejandro Cuevas
- Daniel Greco.... Lencinas
- Hugo Guzzo
- Miguel Angel Iriarte
- Ana María Mazza.... Elena
- Pepe Novoa
- Omar Rezk.... Raúl Salas
- Beatriz Sarlo
- Andrés Silvart
- Roberto Suter.... Muñiz
- Omar Viale.... Rios
The film premiered in 1989.