The Apartment (TV series)
The Apartment is a reality television show created by Riaz Mehta and produced by Imagine Group. Premiering in 2011 on Star World, it is currently the longest running reality competition television show in Asia. From season 2, it is presented by Jamie Durie, while the judges include Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and Genevieve Gorder among others.
The show sees contestants design and decorate a room each week in order to compete for the series end prize of a luxury apartment in Kuala Lumpur. The fourth season was a celebrity version where the prize was $100,000 to be donated to their chosen charity. The fifth season had the prize of $100,000 for the winners. The sixth season, The Apartment - Passion For Design had twelve interior designers competing for a luxury apartment at Johor Bahru, Malaysia. With the sixth series an online digital series, The Apartment Unboxed, was launched alongside the main show and included additional content.
Season | Premiere date | Winner | Runner-up | Number of contestants | Prize |
1 | Syed & Rodrigo | Jeremy & Renai Michael & Artika | 6 |
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2 |
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3 | Deankie & Tiara | Yvette & Sonya | 18 | ||
4 | Xiao Wang | Rima Fakih | 12 |
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5 | Aleksandra Flasz | Winston See | 12 |
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6 | Stephanie Dods | Rachel Lee | 12 |
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7 | Adrien Kent | Seron Chau | 12 |