The Art Goblins

The Art Goblins are an English alternative rock band featuring Art Brut members Eddie Argos and Jasper "Jeff" Future.


The band was originally formed in Bournemouth in the 1990s by Argos when at sixth form college; after the initial members apart from Argos and Future left to go to university they were replaced by Matt Ruffalo on guitar, Nicky Biscuit on keyboard, and Pab Gigolovski on bass guitar.
The band became moribund when this second wave of members also left for university; Argos later formed Art Brut with Chris Chinchilla and Ian Catskilkin ; when Chinchilla left he would be replaced with Future. The Art Goblins have subsequently performed a number of reunion shows. A 2005 gig at the Buffalo Bar was described as an "exhilarating performance" by Artrocker.


The Art Goblins are:


"Fuck Rock, Let's Chart"


Fuck The M.S.P. / My Conscience Died With Those Prostitutes! Filthy Little Angels Singles Club,


Presents: "Some.Alternate.Universe" for FSID - contributes "Disco"