The Ballad of Thunder Road

"The Ballad of Thunder Road" is a song performed and co-written by actor Robert Mitchum in 1957, with music by composer Jack Marshall. It was the theme song of the movie Thunder Road. The song made the Billboard Hot 100 twice, in 1958 and 1962, and while it never peaked higher than #62, it racked up 21 total weeks in the chart. The song moves ominously between minor and major keys.


It tells the tale of "Lucas Doolin", a bootlegger during the 1950s who would deliver moonshine along local roads at excessive speeds to avoid "revenuers".
After receiving word that the revenuers had "200 agents, covering the state", Lucas' father advises him to "make this run your last", and that he should not attempt to outrun the revenuers, but if he could not get through safely, to turn himself in. However, Lucas ignores his father's request, and attempts to outrun the law, but fails to evade them and dies as a result.
Mitchum got the tune for the song from a Norwegian folk-dance song his mother used to sing to him. He also played the bootlegger in the movie.
Bluegrass performers Jim & Jesse brought the song to the national country charts in the fall of 1967.
The song in the movie soundtrack itself is a softer, more ballad-like version than the hit single recorded by Mitchum, and was sung by Randy Sparks.