The Base (film)

The Base is a 1999 action film directed by Mark L. Lester and written by Jeff Albert and Hesh Rephun. Produced by Dana Dubosky and Mark L. Lester, the film stars Mark Dacascos, Tim Abell and Paula Trickey.


When an army operations officer is gunned down on the Fort Tillman Army Base near the US-Mexican border, the Pentagon sends their top Army Intelligence officer—Major John Murphy -- to assume a bent undercover identity in order to gain the trust of corrupt soldiers at Fort Tillman.
Assigned to guard the United States' anti-drug interests in the area, disgruntled Sgt. Mike Gammon instead attempts to take over the drug business along the Mexican border, and Gammon is working for General Albert Becker.
Feeling under appreciated by his government, Gammon begins killing drug couriers, appropriates their goods, and sets his crew to work distributing the drugs in Los Angeles.
As Murphy penetrates Gammon's inner circle, the body count begins to rise.
