The Beauty of the Game

The Beauty of the Game is a 2009 TVB television drama from Hong Kong produced and created by Tsui Yu On. It is a contemporary drama focusing on recreational drug use and the negative issues surrounding Hong Kong's entertainment circle.


Setting out on their quest for fame and fortune, three female TV stars of different backgrounds are determined to achieve their dreams at any price. But after so many ups and downs in their acting careers, they finally come to discover the meaning of true beauty.
When Ko Ching-Man wins a beauty a pageant, she quickly leaps to stardom and becomes a celebrity, despite the protests of her mother, Cheung Lai-Hung, a retired actress. Lai-Hung knows that the life of a celebrity is not what it seems, and tries to protect her daughter from the harsh reality. Ko-Ching soon meets fellow actress Cally, and the two quickly become best friends. Cally is dating her assistant production friend Deacon. Ko-Ching soon finds out that Cally pretends to be rich in front of the media by borrowing money from the bank and opening multiple credit cards. Ko-Ching promises not to tell anybody. However, when the two best friends land roles in a movie, Cally wants to eliminate Ko-Ching's part so that she will be the main star. Leading actress Keung Chi-Fung, once a bitter rival of Ko-Ching's mother, exposes Cally's lies and reveals the truth behind Cally's supposed wealth to the media.
Chi-Fung sees this as an opportunity to eliminate two rising stars and she begins to take Ko-Ching under her wing, slowly planning to bring her into a moral downfall. Chi-Fung pretends to be kind, but as they grow closer, Chi-Fung begins tempting Ko-Ching with drugs and money. Under Chi-Fung's influence, Lai-Hung begins to see a dramatic change in her daughter's character. Ko-Ching begins using dirty tactics to hurt Cally, such as stealing Deacon away from her. Eventually, Ko-Ching realizes Chi-Fung is just pretending to be her friend, just like Cally was.
As Ko-Ching becomes more and more scheming, she no longer trusts anyone and thinks everyone has betrayed her. Everyone is shocked by Ko-Ching's sudden change is personality, from Cally, to Chin-Fung, to her friend Kit, and even a paparazzi that has always admired Ko-Ching.
As Ko-Ching's acting career takes off, Chi-Fung becomes desperate for everlasting beauty and injects her face with botox in an attempt to slow the aging process. However, Chi-Fung's face begins changing shape and her cosmetic endorsements with many companies are cut, being replaced by Ko-Ching. Even the best actress award, that she has won for years, are slipping out of Chi-Fung's hands. To vent her anger, Chi-Fung vows to plunge Ko-Ching into a pit of despair and pain.
Ko Ching vows revenge after finding out Chi-Fung was only using her. She hurts and loses the trust of everyone around her. She takes in a rising actress named Gigi, teaching her the selfish ways that Chi-Fung taught her. Ko Ching comes home to a screaming mother, and her father surprisingly slaps her. Things go awry.
Cally has become addicted to drugs, due to Tom Tom's influence. She ransacks her parents house for drugs, and takes them all. She runs out of the house, knocking her paralyzed father out of the way. Her mom chases her and develops a heart attack and passes. From then on Cally vows to stop taking drugs and admits herself to rehabilitation.
Ko Ching calls Kit to comfort her in the park, when a mysterious man comes up to her and scratches her face with a knife. We later find out that Chi Fung hired him. She has 3 cuts, 3 millimeters thick, and it may be the end of her acting career. But Ko Ching changes herself, regretting about becoming a monster obsessed in fame and soaking in the limelight.
All is right when Ko Ching, Cally and Deacon are best friends again. Cally volunteers at the drug use facility and she and Ko Ching are in Deacon's new film. Doggie and Kit get married, and Cally and Deacon are dating.
The Best Actress Awards were Chi Fung's downfall. Chi Fung knew that Ko Ching would get the award. She attempted to kill her, leading her to the rooftop of the building. Chi Fung falls to the edge. Ko Ching couldn't save her. She was paralyzed from top to bottom, only her eyes move. Ko Ching comes to the hospital to visit her and gives her the Best Actress trophy. Turns out, Chi Fung won. And the 3 actresses learn that acting isn't in looks. It's about the feeling to give out to the viewers. And alas, the 3 actresses learn the meaning of true beauty.


Main characters
