The series is set in a world populated only by anthropomorphic bears and primarily centers around the Berenstain Bears. The Berenstain Bears are a family residing in the rural community of Bear Country consisting of Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Brother Bear, and Sister Bear. Albeit numerous episodes are based on the books and promote the same morals as encouraged in the picture books from which their plots originated, the program's faithfulness to the original series is slightly mixed on account of a number of later episodes following original storylines. Nonetheless, they mostly portray the same environment depicted in the original Berenstain Bears storybooks quite accurately and concentrate on the messages and lessons learned by the family through their different experiences, such as generousity and responsibility, as well as the daily lives of the bears.
Cast and characters
Michael Cera as Brother Bear
Michael D'Ascenzo as Brother Bear
Tajja Isen as Sister Bear
Benedict Campbell as Papa Q. Bear
Camilla Scott as Mama Bear
Leslie Carlson as Grizzly Gramps
Corinne Conley as Grizzly Gran
Marc McMulkin as Cousin Freddy
Amanda Soha as Lizzy Bruin
Nikki Marshall as Queenie
Mark Rendall as Ferdy Factual
Gage Knox as Too-Tall
Patrick Salvagna as Skuzz
James Eckhouse as Smirk
Chris Wiggins as Squire Grizzly
Ellen-Ray Hennessy as Miss Grizzle
Philip Williams as Farmer Ben
The show was produced by the Canada-based animation studioNelvana for PBS Kids in the United States and Treehouse TV in Canada. 80 15-minute episodes were produced, adapted from the books and also a few new stories as well, similar to the 1985 production. However, due to the laws requiring Nelvana to employ writers and artists, the Berenstains' involvement in the program was limited; They sought to exert their influence on some details, according to Stan. "Our bears don't wear shoes, and Papa wouldn't wear his hat in the house...And we try to keep complete, total banality out of the stories." Common practicalities of animation did force some minor costume changes from the books, such as eliminating polka dots and plaids. The show's theme song is performed by country singer Lee Ann Womack. The series is supposed to supplement the 1985 series because new books were released since then, even though the two series have a radically different production style as well as a change of in-universe elements. Another issue is the two series are not seen together.
It debuted in the United States on PBS Kids on January 6, 2003. Originally, it aired together with Seven Little Monsters but the two shows were eventually separated.