The Best of Taj Mahal
The Best of Taj Mahal is an album by American blues artist Taj Mahal.- "Statesboro Blues"
- "Leaving Trunk"
- "Corrina"
- "Going Up To The Country, Paint My Mailbox Blue"
- "She Caught The Katy and Left Me a Mule"
- "Take a Giant Step"
- "Six Days On The Road"
- "Farther On Down The Road "
- "Fishin' Blues"
- "Ain't Gwine To Whistle Dixie "
- "You're Going To Need Somebody On Your Bond"
- "Cakewalk Into Town"
- "Oh Susannah"
- "Frankie and Albert"
- "Chevrolet"
- "Johnny Too Bad"
- "Sweet Mama Janissee"