The Bill (series 13)
The thirteenth series of British television drama The Bill was broadcast from 2 January until 30 December 1997. The series consisted of 152 episodes, including three-hour long specials. The series introduced three new characters: DC Tom Proctor, PC Luke Ashton and PC Sam Harker, while PCs Nick Slater and Steve Loxton depart the cast during this series.
Notably, actor Gregory Donaldson, who landed the role of Tom Proctor, would appear in the series five months earlier as burglary suspect Andy Melford in the hour-long special, "In the Dark". George Rossi, who would join the series the following year as DC Duncan Lennox, also guest starred as a Borough Youth Officer in the episode "Crying Wolf". On 3 April 2013 the complete series was released as a two-part region-free DVD box set in Australia. The DVD artwork depicts DS's Don Beech and John Boulton.Cast
- DC Tom Proctor
- PC Luke Ashton
- PC Sam Harker
- PC Nick Slater
- PC Steve Loxton
# | Title | Episode notes | Directed by | Written by | Original air date