The Black Halo

The Black Halo is the highly acclaimed, seventh full-length album by the American power metal band Kamelot. It was released on March 15, 2005, through Steamhammer Records. It is a concept album inspired by Goethe's Faust. Continuing the story introduced in Epica, it is the second and final record in Kamelot's two-part rock opera about Ariel. Epica tells Part 1 while The Black Halo tells Part 2. Goethe's Faust is also broken into two parts. The Black Halo features guest appearances by Simone Simons, Shagrath, Jens Johansson, and several others. The album was released on vinyl in the spring of 2009, along with Ghost Opera.


Continuing from Epica, Ariel is still stricken with grief and sorrow over Helena's death. With Ariel's will nearly under Mephisto's total control, the fallen angel brings Ariel a beautiful young woman named Marguerite, who looks and speaks like Helena. Ariel seduces Marguerite and the two sleep together, which completes Mephisto's manipulation of Ariel. The morning after, Ariel regains his memory, breaking Mephisto's control over him, and comes to his senses. He apologizes to Marguerite and explains his story, begging her to leave, but saying that they might meet again someday. Ariel leaves Mephisto, and wonders how all the pain he has caused could come about as a result of his good intentions in searching for the answers to the meaning of life. He concludes that it is impossible to find these answers on Earth and that they must lie in heaven alone. Realizing that his sins have prevented him from entering heaven, he begs God for forgiveness but hears no sign from Him. Heartbroken, he realizes that he will never be able to reunite with Helena, nor find the answers he seeks. He looks back on the suffering that he has caused to everyone he knows and concludes that it can never be undone.
With this, Ariel prompts himself into action and decides to confront Mephisto. He crosses the river and approaches Mephisto's castle. Resigning himself to death, he approaches Mephisto. Ariel denounces him as traitorous and evil. He cuts his ties to Mephisto, and resolves to live a good life like Helena did, even though his sins have damned his soul to hell anyway. Ariel states that humanity will always struggle with the very questions that Ariel has been trying to answer throughout his journey. This prompts him to a sudden realization: that love is the ultimate answer to life, and that the true love between himself and Helena was thus a part of it, even before he left on his quest. He knows now that, even having found his answer, he will never be truly satisfied, and that his free will allows him to create his own meaning of life and his own destiny. With his questions finally answered, he comes to a state of transcendental understanding and sublime joy, so strong that he wishes to linger at that moment forever.
This moment of total satisfaction brings into effect the contract that Ariel made with Mephisto, and thus his soul now belongs to the fallen angel. As Ariel's soul begins to leave his body, Mephisto prepares to claim it. However, Helena intercedes to God on Ariel's behalf. Since Ariel has rejected all evil, even in the face of certain damnation, he has redeemed himself, and God allows him to enter heaven with Helena. Mephisto, his bet with God lost, wails as he is cast into hell forever.
With the story over, it is revealed that Ariel's tale is a playset for a New Year's Eve festival, similar to the framing device of Goethe's Faust. The festival ends with a tribute to tragedy, comedy, and the cyclical nature of life.

Track listing

There is a short hidden track in the pregap. Rewinding from "March of Mephisto" on some CD players reveal a couple entering a theatre and being told that they have "just made it to the second act", referring to The Black Halo as the second album in a two-part concept.



Band members