The Bombmaker

The Bombmaker is a two-part British television drama serial, written and created by Stephen Leather, and directed by Graham Theakston. It first broadcast on Sky One on 8 April 2001, with the second and final episode following a week later on 15 April. The series, based upon Leather's novel of the same name, stars Dervla Kirwan as Andrea Hayes, a former IRA bombmaker who is forced to come out of retirement when her daughter is kidnapped and held to ransom.
Mark Womack stars as Andrea's husband Martin, while Ciara Lyons plays the role of her daughter, Katie. David Hunt, Angeline Ball, Marc Warren, Francis Magee, Daragh O'Malley, Brendan Coyle and Samantha Bond are also credited as principal members of the cast. Filming on the series commenced in September 2000. Notably, the series has yet to be released on DVD.


said of her role as Andrea Hayes; "Graham Theakston, with whom I worked on The Dark Room, was directing The Bombmaker and asked me if I was interested. I could see all the pitfalls in the script, but female characters who dominate like Andrea are few and far between. Whatever flaws there are, you owe it to yourself to do it. I've made a lot of mistakes in my career but the biggest mistake I've made is to turn down work. And I read Stephen Leather's book on which it was based, knew it was a bestseller and I think my commercial head took over."
Stephen Leather said of writing the series; "There are several major twists the audience won't see's not a run-of-the-mill kidnapping, but you don't find out until the end why the kidnappers have taken the little girl. You think it's an IRA story, but... it constantly keeps you guessing."
