The Brothers (1956 TV series)

The Brothers is an American television sitcom broadcast by CBS during its 1956-57 season. Reruns of The Brothers were also broadcast by CBS during the summer of 1958 on an alternate-week basis, alternating with repeats of Bachelor Father.


The Brothers was about the small adventures of the Box brothers, Gil and Harvey, who owned a photography studio in San Francisco. Harvey was the more aggressive, overbearing brother while Gil was a reserved, shy man who happily allowed his big brother to run things. Both of them had steady girlfriends who were matched to their personalities, Harvey's being the strong-willed, aggressive Dr. Margaret Kleeb and Gil's being the quiet, unassuming Marilee Dorf.
It was one of the first shows to have an unseen character. Andy, the darkroom person, was always heard but never seen.

